Thursday, September 15, 2011


While reading this story I was struck by something.  Noah was six hundred when the great flood happened.  Does that mean he built an ark big enough to hold all the animals at such an ancient age?  Also when he died he was almost a thousand years old.  That just seems weird to me.   For a man to live that long but that is not for me to decide.

Why would god have someone so old build his great ark?  I have been trying to figure this out, because most people once they get old have a hard time doing physically demanding activities.  For one to be able to build the ark at such an old age he would have to have the strength and energy of a younger man.  If he did not have the energy to do it alone dosed that mean his kids helped him do it?  If I had able bodied sons I would have had them help me do it.

That leads me to my next thought.  Dose everyone in biblical time just live a really long time?  I feel like that was just the norm back then because Noah’s family would have been really old too, and the age really did not matter at all.    Everyone just lives a long time and stays productive longer in biblical times I guess.   I just don’t know why they picked such arbitrarily large number.

1 comment:

  1. I found Noah being 600 years old surprising and interesting as well. Iwould imagine that if people lived to be that old back then perhaps the 600 was a little over middle aged at the time. Maybe 600 was even considered young during that time.

    There are so many things in these storys that seem so out there but the thing I have found is that the storys teach lessons and everybody can learn from them. Whether they be believers or non believers.

    I liked your picture of the real life ark. That is pretty imressive that somebody actually built a life size ark.
