Thursday, December 8, 2011

Final Post

In this post The Bible and Me I wrote about my own personal thoughts and feelings about the bible.  I discuses my own personal religion and reflect on my personal beliefs.
In this post The Enuma Elish and Metamorphoses I compared the two texts.  I used examples from the text to drive my point’s home.
In this post Was Beowulf crazy?  I examined the text to find if Beowulf was crazy.  I looked at key points and evaluated his actions.

I chose these because I find them to be my best work.  They represent a verity of different type of writing I did from over this semester.  In The Bible and Me I did some self-reflecting.  I had to look in words to discover some self-truths and face my own prejudices I held.  In post The Enuma Elish and Metamorphoses I did comparing of two texts to find the similarities and the differences of them.  I did a good job at finding key elements in the story’s that supported my thoughts.  This is one of my best because I feel like I got the best text from the story to support me.  Finally in my post Was Beowulf crazy?  I had to examine a story and draw my own conclusions about it.  I found I did a good job of reading a story and interpreting it.  I demonstrated knowledge of the text and that I am able to analyze a text.  I find this is one of bet posy because of the level of analyzing that had to be done and I had to find the right examples to prove my hypothesis.

I have taken different literature classes in the past so I feel like my thoughts on it are the same.  I have always loved literature and this class just reinforced that.  The readings we read where written a long time ago and yet they remain.  These stories have stranded the test of time.  The thing I learned from this is it does not matter when a story was written it can be relevant at any time.

How would I evaluate myself? Well I feel like I did a good job on my blog assignments.  I always try hard on them and I feel it turned out nice.  I feel like whenever I have something to say I do it well.  Also when I set my mind to something I feel like I can do very well on it.   I may not have done the best on my first essay, but that was my fault.  I feel like I could have done better on that essay and for that I feel like that was my biggest weakness.  I tend to put everything off till the last minute to do it.  I always get my stuff done but it makes me stressed doing it at the last minute.  Also my spelling and grammar are weak but that is something I have always struggled with.

I feel that I should get an A in this class.  I feel that way for a few reasons.  First off the bat I show up every day and on time.  That in itself is a big things saying by the end of the class some people stopped showing up all together.  Next I try my best on my work.  I might not always have a lot to say but I get my point across when I do.  Also you get the privilege of teaching me twice.  That in itself is awesome.  Because of all of this I feel I should get an A in your course.

Friday, December 2, 2011


This Idea of Punishment is huge in the Inferno.  Everyone in hell is being punished for whatever reason.  For some the punishment is never knowing god’s love and for other it is pain that fills every second of their life.  The only constant in hell is that everyone is being punished.

Even Satan is being punished for his sins.  No one is exempt from punishment.  Satan is trapped in ice and has to live in it forever. Always freezing cold and he can never get any warmth.  That is because he is as far away from god as possible.  Because of his treachery he is banished from god’s grace completely.

In the upper levels of hell the punishments are not a severer as the lower depths.  In the first level of hell their only punishment is not being by god.  They live virtues lives but they never accepted god as their savior and Jesus as their savior so they can never go to heaven.

Even Dante in the story is being punished.  He has to go through hell and experience everything.  He has to see everyone suffering.  He has to have the knowledge of the pain everyone is going through.  His love is in danger and he has to save her.  His punishment is the journey he must go through before he can reach god.

Dante put his own views into the story when making the punishment.  He was a man who loved his land and was banished.  He felt betrayed so because of this the punishments reflect that.  His personal anger is felt in his writing.